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petite fille dans son siège auto

Attacher son enfant dans son siège-auto : fini les conflits !

Tu connais peut-être ce moment de lutte quotidienne quand tu essaies d’attacher ton enfant dans son siège-auto. Si tu en as marre des conflits, découvre comment mettre fin à cette bataille. Je décris dans ce récit comment je m’y suis prise avec ma grande de 6 ans, en espérant que cela t’inspirera !


There are a number of teleseminars available on the Hand in Hand website (a link is below). You can use these to learn more about particular topics and also to get a sense of how

Transcript: of Week 1 Videos

Class 1 Video 1-1: What Parents Want and Need (8:58) Hand in Hand Presents: Building Emotional Understanding: Class 1: Segment 1: What Parents Want and Need. I’m Patty Wipfler, and I’m the founder and the

United States Instructors

Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Maine Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Oregon Pennsylvania  Texas Washington Washington D.C. Arizona Phoenix Tara Mccay California North Bay Rebecca NowlenSushila Hart San Francisco Karen Wolfe, LMFTKarin AppletonMaria ChewBeth Ohanneson, M.S., LMFT East

helping your child head back to school

Children love to learn. Ideally going to school, or back to school, should be exciting and fun. Children are built for new experiences and opportunities to master powerful skills like reading and math. But too

Listening to Teens Can Get Messy

We were surrounded by foam peanuts. I don’t know how anyone can be oblivious to foam peanuts on the floor, but she was! She was talking happily to me about this, that, and the other, with a big smile on her face, when I felt this really strong urge to take some of those peanuts and throw them at her. So, I picked up a bunch of them in my hand and, in slow motion, with some soft dramatic noises, I slowly inched my way toward her with the foam peanuts.

A Little Listening Cleared Up the Vision

A sweet 9-year-old student whom I tutor came in the other day in a somewhat low-key mood.  He got ready to do the math that I had planned for him.  We were working on calculating

A Little Listening Can Move Mountains

Sometimes we don’t realize the effect we can have on people, simply through our listening (or not listening). I was moved by how a little listening can move mountains.

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