Tag: five tools

Reach Out To Your Family Over the Holidays and Feel Better

Laura Minnigerode on Listening Partnerships During the winter holiday season, I often feel overpowered with emotions about the past. While I cherish memories of being with my family, I feel out of touch and alone.

Separation Anxiety: Two Tools That Will Help

In the middle of preparing for a talk on Separation Anxiety with my fellow Hand in Hand Instructor, Anca Deaconu, my children decided to give me the perfect opportunity to practice what I preach. It

Calm Parenting Big Families

Parenting challenges multiply in larger families. The grocery list is bigger for sure. The laundry takes longer. And there’s always some little person pulling at your hand demanding to be heard. In her recent book Listen:

Handling Sibling Sibling Battles with Empathy

“This afternoon I could tell that my four-year-old was going off track. His behavior was erratic, and he couldn’t seem to settle. I didn’t exactly see what happened, but I heard my seventeen-month-old daughter crying.

What is a Listening Partnership and Why Do I Need One?

What is Hand in Hand Parenting?: Day 6 You’ve seen your children release their feelings of hurt and tension. They’re naturals! The minute something challenging happens, they dive right in to expel the tension. With a

How Can I Help My Child Offload Feelings of Hurt?

Q: My son is a very dynamic four-year-old. He is attached to me and has a younger two year-old brother. What I’ve noticed is that when we are doing Staylistening, he will sometimes rapidly control

Three-Step Plan to Help Your Picky Eater

You can’t pour honey on a fear, or dress it up, or talk a child out of it. A fear is a feeling, and no logic or trick can pry a feeling out of a child.

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