Month: October 2009

A Gentle “No”
Whatever I said, the answer was “NO!” He was really out of kilter.

A Special Time Love Bomb Teaches Me About My Teen Son
He was doing his thing, but he was thinking about me, too.

How To Reassure Your Child During a Melt Down
Our children need us to be open to the intensity and the power of the feelings they are having. They need us to fully hear how hard it is.

Three Connection Games to Play with Your Child and A New Baby
Recently in our family we’ve had a new baby. That’s brought all sorts of adjustments, of course, for my son. There are a few “playlistening” ideas that have been helpful, that others may find useful too:

Dad Helps with a Dinnertime Fight Between Brother and Sister
I didn’t make him do it, but I didn’t give up on the idea that he COULD do it.

A Grandma Listens
The Daddy was trying to talk his daughter out of the tantrum, but our teacher kept gently reminding him that this was exactly what his little girl needed to do, and that she was smart to work on her feelings so vigorously.