Setting Limits for My Daughter Around Candy
Parenting by Connection Certification candidate, Otilia Mantelers, explains how she gently but firmly set a limit that allowed her young daughter to share di…
Parenting by Connection Certification candidate, Otilia Mantelers, explains how she gently but firmly set a limit that allowed her young daughter to share di…
Parents love their children. Parents try hard. They do their best every single day. Hand in Hand provides support and helpful information for new parents on everything from Responding Well to Crying to Helping Baby Sleep to Handling the “Baby Blues” in these short, easy to use audio files. The New Parent Podcasts have been
My nine year old son usually falls right asleep at night. This has been such a blessing for me and quite contrary to his younger sister who likes to stay up late. On one particular night he was jumping out of bed, playing with balls and going into his sister’s room to do an art
A playful way to resolve sibling conflict can go a long way toward a happy, cooperative family life.
Setting Limits With Kristen Volk My six year old daughter seemed fine when she came home from school. Her nine year old brother had been sick for three days and I was looking forward to her being with us. However, it wasn’t long before she started being uncooperative, demanding and grumpy. She said, “No, I’m
I’m the mom of a young son, who has been my greatest teacher in life and has guided me to my deepest passion, parenting! My work in Theater from the time I was a little girl up until now pairs beautifully with my work today. I’m passionate about helping parents connect with their children and
Earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, and wars are hard to process and difficult to discuss with children. Feelings are triggered in each of us as we picture what life is like for those directly affected. We imagine protecting our families in similar circumstances, as we are exposed to daily images of human suffering. What is a
Death is something that children don’t understand. I’m not sure that the adult mind can understand it, either. The loss of a human being is irrevocable, and our minds don’t see it as logical or acceptable. When children encounter the death of a classmate, a friend or family member, it can really shake a child’s
I’ve got a 3-year-old son who stutters moderately severely. The speech therapist has told me it’s related to anxiety. She’s also recommended that we pay no attention to the stuttering, and don’t talk to him about it. I’m not sure if not talking about it makes sense, but I am going with her opinion for
Your child is good, precious, and, we hope, full of beans! If early needs somehow didn’t get met, or if the daily connections aren’t made, you’re going to hear about it in the form of challenging behavior. We hope you’ll move confidently to bring a limit. Limits help her relieve the stress she is under, so she can regain her innate good judgment and joy in cooperation.
Q. I’m wondering if you have some sage advice about dealing with our rambunctious 2 year-old on a transatlantic flight in a week. My son is very physical and very loud in his crying, and I’m dreading the potential tantrums and inevitable shorter crying in such a small space! There’s a reason why so many
(written in February 2002) We are in the midst of a challenging time, with the possibility of a new war looming. It’s a time to be listening and learning. This article will focus on the challenges of parenting during this swirl of highly charged events that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on our lives.
I’ve noticed that many of us parents have internal habits of mind that sap our energy and make life harder. We compare ourselves with others, with friends, to the latest parenting trend, the perfect TV wife or whoever. We judge ourselves harshly, filling our minds with self-criticism, and i’m sure that lack of respect for the
Q. “It looks like my 21-month-old son would benefit from a surgical procedure. It would involve ½ hour of intravenous anesthesia, and would also involve him not being able to nurse the morning of the operation—he always nurses in the morning. How damaging is this likely to be for him? If we decide to go
My daughter hates it when I’m sick. I try to maintain her routine as much as possible when I have a cold or a mild bug but this flu season really knocked me over. When I had a rough night sleeping and faced a thermometer reading 104.2 the next morning, there was nothing for me
By Rachel Schofield We enter parenthood looking forward to sharing the journey fully with our partner. We hope to carve up the practicalities as well as talk and dream together about how to raise our children. We want to share what’s going well and what’s not and to reflect on the details of the day.
Donations to Hand in Hand make a difference in countless lives and I can’t thank you enough for your support. I continue to be in awe of what happens when you offer complete respect and warmth to another parent as you sit down to listen. It’s simple. You assume that they are smart. You hold
Bullying is a highly contagious behavior that transmits immediately from child to child, like the flu. The behavior can start with an adult bullying, threatening, demeaning, or harshly excluding a child.