Month: October 2017

One Way To Keep Connections Strong on Vacation

We long to relax and enjoy each other’s company on vacation, but in new surroundings, after long journeys, children can feel out of sorts and disconnected, and often meltdown on holidays. Allocating one-on-one time builds in a regular time for reconnection through laughter and play that keeps connections strong. Bring Special Time on Vacation Here’s

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These Four Rules of Play Help Kids Shine

We’ve all read research and articles promoting play, but play is more than independent play or playing with siblings or friends. For sure, kids benefit from those ways to play, but playing with parents and caregivers gives additional benefits. Kids feel special and seen when parents play with them. They can use these times to

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Respond To Children’s Hurts In A Way That Builds Confidence

How can you respond to a hurt child calmly, when you feel panicked yourself?  Instructor Emilie Leeks discovers it takes some practice, but the results are easy to see.  “We’d only just left for the shops when our 3-year-old slipped off their scooter. It was quite a tumble, and they were clutching at their legs

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My Child Calls Me “Mean Mom.” What Should I Do?

It’s a Monday morning, everyone is grumpy, and your child does not want to get out of bed. “You’re so mean!” your child shouts as you tell her it’s time to get up. “I hate you!” These words seem made to rile a frazzled parent. We spend so much of our life-giving for our kids

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smiling boy on sofa using iPad

How to Make Screen Time Special Time

With the infiltration of screens at home and at school, it can be hard knowing where to Set Limits on screen time with children. Often, screen times seem to alienate. Your child goes off into zombie mode leaving family members excluded, but many children are delighted when parents show an interest, and scheduling in screen

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How to Parent Your Tween and Stay Sane in the Process – Replay

Parenting is challenging at the best of times, but as your children move towards adolescence, there are fresh challenges. Our relationship with them has history, we have been parenting longer and are often a little weary (to say the least), and we are busy. Did you know that research suggests that the parents of children

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Why Does Parenting Feel So Hard?

Surely not one of us reading this set out thinking that parenting would be a breeze? We hear about sleep deprivation from the moment we announce that we are becoming parents. We know they’ll be allowances. Even when we vow that parenting won’t change us, we know, inside, that there has to be some. But

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Parenting Preteens: Letting Them Grow, Keeping Them Close

Ah, parenting preteens, finally our kids are ready to stand on their own two feet. Our job is nearly done. Our children, as they grow into pre-teens, don’t need us so much. Right? Wrong! They need our love and warm attention, just as much now as when they clung to us sobbing on their first day at school. They need our confidence in them. They need our faith in their intrinsic goodness. They need our conviction that they can figure out this perplexing, sometimes hostile world and find their place.

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Five Ways to Help Kids That Hit, Kick, or Bite

  Sooner or later, almost every child gets carried away by strong emotions. For some children, it’s an everyday occurrence. We parents can get carried away ourselves, especially when we have one or more children whose feelings erupt often, and don’t soothe easily. Why do children become prone to hitting, kicking or biting? If a

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