How I Want to Support Parents – Why I wrote the book Listen
Tosha Schore, parent educator and co-author of the book Listen: Five Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges shares why she wrote the book to suppor…
Tosha Schore, parent educator and co-author of the book Listen: Five Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges shares why she wrote the book to suppor…
When he was four years old, mom Laura Minnigerode and her son Lucian set aside time to play each morning one on one, as a way to encourage connection. This devoted “Special Time” happened most days once Lucian’s two older two siblings left for school. After the rush of getting them out the door,
Anna talks about the time she set a limit with her son in a mall when he kept begging for her to buy him things. She shares how she was able to keep calm, despite his demands and the concerns of onlookers. Get flustered when your child gets challenging in public? This is for you.
Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor Lyra E’Strange explains how she picked up the signals when her son was struggling with a transition. This video will show y…
Marilupe De La Calle reads her story from Listen about comforting a friend’s child through his separation anxiety, and how those tools still come in useful i…
Michelle Kenney Carlson reads from our book Listen, and reflects on her experiences handling sibling rivalry before and after she discovered Hand in Hand Parenting’s tools.
Hand in Hand Instructor revisits the tools she used to help her son when he was having a hard time practicing piano, and talks about how they moved on from tantrums and upset to joyful play. Good advice here if your child refuses to start or complete a task they usually enjoy. Hand in Hand
A Guest Post by Yasmeen Almahdy If you want to set limits that your children actually listen to, doing what your parents did will not help. That is, if they yelled, nagged, bribed or sent you to your room for not complying. And if you remember how it felt when your parents issued those orders,
Why do kids defy or ignore you when you set limits? Yasmeen Almahdy shows you how you can set limits that kids will listen to without any yelling or bribing!
Velma talks about how she helped her son face his separation anxiety, enjoy his martial arts classes and build resilience. Velma is a Certified Instructor wi…
Do you find your children’s behaviour triggers you to react in ways that are out of character with the parent you thought you would be? You work hard to parent with respect and empathy yet there are times this can elude you? Is it like you just can’t do it? Let me reassure you… you
It’s a new morning, and your child is grumpy and refuses to get out of bed. “You’re so mean!” your child shouts as you tell her it’s time to get up. “I hate you!” These words seem made to rile a frazzled parent. We spend so much of our life-giving for our kids and loving
Citiți acest articol în limba engleză De obicei, pentru a ajunge în punctul în care copiii dorm singuri avem de parcurs un drum lung presărat cu multe obstacole. Cu trei copii, am observat că a-i determina pe toți să stea și să doarmă în pat era un adevărat supliciu atât pentru mine cât și pentru
Yasmeen talks about how she traced her daughter’s clinginess and refusal to wear tight T-shirts to the difficulties they faced during pregnancy and soon afte…