Month: October 2023

Seven Surprise Ways To Stop Tantrums In Their Tracks

It seems like my son has been advocating for himself since the minute he was born. If he wanted to feed, he wanted to feed now!  As a toddler, if he wanted my attention he’d climb up on my lap and turn my face away from whoever I was talking to.  If he did not

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“Je m’ennuie !” Comment faire face à l’ennui de ton enfant ?

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand “Je m’ennuie !” Qu’est-ce qu’un parent peut faire lorsque son enfant s’effondre sur le sol et se plaint : “Je m’ennuie ! Il n’y a rien à faire”, et qu’il attend, vide et apathique, une inspiration qui le sauvera d’un sort

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Why Tantrums Happen and How You Can Help…Part 1

How Is A Tantrum A Bid For Connection? The man at my parenting talk is exasperated by his two-year-old son’s behavior. “First, he wants a glass of milk,” he tells me. “I pour the glass and hand it to him, and he gets upset and says he doesn’t want it. So I say, ‘Okay, then,

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