Starting School Over and Over Replay

(C) Cienpies Design 2009
(C) Cienpies Design 2009

In this call, Certified Parenting by Connection Instructors Madeleine Winter and Kristen Volk answer questions on how Parenting by Connection can help your child start school with a strong and supportive emotional foundation. They focus on the Listening Tools of Special Time (for maintaining closeness through the big transition of starting school) and Staylistening (for the upsets which will inevitably arise as your child works through emotional tensions). Learn practical tools for helping your child meet the challenges of homework, separations, and making friends, and for getting the support you need to help them.

If you found this recording useful, then be sure to check out these articles on how Parenting by Connection can help support your child's schooling experience:

You can work directly with Madeleine or Kristen in the Parent Intensive or in their online Parenting by Connection Starter Classes. In Denver, you can connect with Kristen to join an in-person class or workshop. In Sydney, Madeleine will run in -person workshops on starting and returning to school for the beginning of the 2016 school year in Sydney, Australia. Keep your eye out for details in our Newsletter or sign up with Madeleine for more information   here.

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