Five Connection Tools That Will Transform Your Parenting
What is Hand in Hand Parenting?Like no other work we know, parenting is all-demanding, all consuming. So often the work we do as parents goes unnoticed, despite it being the most important role we will ever have. There is rarely anyone cheering us on as we make it out through the door with our children,
Five Ways To Ward off Parent Anger
Every parent I’ve ever known has wondered what to do when your kids push you over the edge. And unfortunately, there is no fount of endless patience we can tap into at moments like this. But there are things to do that can help.
3 Tools To Stop The Hitting
Odd as it may seem, a child hitting means that child is afraid. To help them stop hitting, it’s helpful to understand that the fears that cause trouble for a child who hits usually have their roots in some frightening experience earlier in life, even though they may not seem frightened at all. To manage
Helping Children with Tantrums and Emotional Moments in Public
Your child needs you to set kind, sensible limits and to have you close to them while they burst out with the intense feelings they have. This spilling of feelings, together with your kind attention and patience, is the most effective way to speed your child’s return to their sensible, loving self.
Set Limits Without Blame or Shame
I have thought a lot about what words I say to my two children when they are pushing boundaries and I need to set a limit. I have found the phrase, “I can’t let you do that” to be so helpful. Of course, physically stepping in to be close, and my body language, is just
Hand in Hand Parenting as a Trauma-Informed Caregiving Practice
Despite the growing recognition of the central role of toxic stress in childhood emotional and behavioral challenges, and mental and physical health across the lifespan, we are just beginning to develop trauma-informed responses.
Helping Angry Preteens
Q. I’m afraid my middle-school-aged daughter is going to turn into an “angry teenager.” Things seem to be going well for her right now but she can be unhappy, aggressive and moody, and she sometimes gets physical. She had a very hard time in elementary school. Is it possible that she could be working out
Ending Power Struggles with Children
Sooner or later in our lives as parents, we find ourselves locked in a power struggle with our child. It can happen over being fed with a spoon when a baby is just a year old. It can happen over getting dressed in the morning, over brushing teeth, and over going to bed. Our children, like
The Key to Calm and Patient Parenting
Are you tired of losing it with your kids? Do you wish you were a more patient parent? You can be. In this video, Patty introduces a unique parenting Tool you can use to create space for yourself, and your kids, so that you can lead your family with calm, confidence and joy. This powerful
Helping Young Children Sleep
Healthy families in many cultures allow children to sleep with parents, and if that works for your family, great. But, if your sleep schedule doesn’t line up well with your child’s, or if the good effects of sleeping close together are negated because no one sleeps well in that arrangement at your house, you do have other options.
15 Playful Ways To Solve Sibling Rivalry
By Shaheen Merali and Kate Orson Sibling rivalry is an inevitable challenge of raising more than one child. No matter what the age difference or personalities of the children, sooner or later, every child with siblings gets upset with their brother or sister. But don’t fret and think this is a sign of how it
Siblings Fighting: When You Get There Too Late
When we decide to bring a second child home, we long for those siblings to be good friends. Or we at least hope to avoid siblings fighting all the time so we can get some quiet moments to ourselves. But inevitable tiffs, clashes, and explosions interrupt that dream we had for our children to play
Four Steps To A Peaceful Bedtime Routine
A guest post by Irina Nichifiriuc Read this post in Romanian In our house, I faced a series of “battles” and obstacles every night as the day wore on towards bedtime. With three children, I found that the task of getting them to sleep was getting longer and more difficult as I faced more and
Embracing Transitions: How Connection Helps
Q: I feel badly about this, but sometimes I hesitate to really get down and play with my daughter, because when I have to stop playing and tend to the baby, she gets so upset. How can I keep from hurting her feelings? —a mother of a baby and a four-year-old A: It’s healthy and
When Your Toddler Hits You: A New Perspective
These are simple practical ideas that will help when your toddler hits.
Discovering The Value of a Good Tantrum
That would be like my husband telling me, “I have no intention of loving all of you. I only want to see the parts that work for me.”
Stop Separation Anxiety In A Kind and Supportive Way
Most parents think the time to deal with separation issues is at the dreaded drop-off. But you can use calmer times to work on separation.
Using Special Time To Help Your Child’s Difficult Behaviors
From refusing to go to bed, to hitting, to tantrums, or fear, you can build your child’s confidence and ability to co-operate in just a few minutes a day using Hand in Hand’s Connection Tool: Special Time
Does Hand in Hand Work When You Do it Solo? with Hand in Hand Parenting’s Tosha Schore
Your partner doesn’t support the Hand in Hand approach? You just can’t seem to get your family on board? Using lots of real-life stories, including her own experience, Hand in Hand Certified Instructor, Tosha Shore offers a plan for parenting from different pages, as you experiment with using the Hand in Hand Tools on your