Category: Aggression

Why Has My Little Boy Become Violent?

Dear Hand in Hand, Please help. My 4-year-old son has had a turbulent time at pre-school and has become very aggressive. I am seeing this as an issue around separation. We have increased Special Time,

Când copilul mic te lovește: o nouă perspectivă

Copilașul tău se oprește brusc în mijlocul unui moment de joacă și te lovește? Ori pocnește alți copii, chiar pe proprii frați? Dacă-i așa, dă-mi voie să te asigur că nu ești un părinte ratat.

Aider les enfants avec l'agression

Aider les enfants avec l’agression

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Ton enfant a-t-il déjà envoyé un coup et blessé quelqu’un ? Un autre enfant agressif l’a-t-il déjà embêté ? Si ta

Why I Let My Child Hit During Her Upsets

“My daughter, who is seven, always wanted to sleep in my bed. She went through a period of crying every night about sleeping alone. I listened to her cry each time, hoping it was doing

Handling |aggression with Play

Hand in Hand Parenting instructors Michelle Carlson and Kirsten Nottleson show you how to handle |aggression with play in this Facebook Live demonstration. Be…

Help a child that hits, kicks or bites

A child’s aggressive behavior is driven by fears. Shouting, getting angry yourself or giving harsh punishment only adds to them and keeps the aggressive cycl…

Five Ways to Help Kids That Hit, Kick, or Bite

  Sooner or later, almost every child gets carried away by strong emotions. For some children, it’s an everyday occurrence. We parents can get carried away ourselves, especially when we have one or more children

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