Category: Aggression

Power Play: What to Do When Play Turns Bad

  Children’s playful giggles and laughter can soon boil over and frenzied excitement erupts into power struggles, arguments and aggression. So how can you step in safely to diffuse a play situation headed south? Hand in Hand’s Heidi Grainger



20 playful ways to handle a child's aggression

20 Playful Ways To Heal Aggression

Aggression is common in toddlers, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. The Hand in Hand parenting philosophy is based on the fact that all children are naturally, good, loving and co-operative. Sometimes hurt feelings overwhelm their limbic system

help a child's aggressive behaviour

No More Hitting: Help With A Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

Of course we parents worry that if we show warmth and even humour when a child is acting aggressively, he won’t learn to govern his behaviour. This concern is rooted in the idea that the child who lashes out is choosing to do so. In fact, the child who hits out feels trapped an emotional corner, and is in what Patty Wipfler calls an “emotional emergency.”

How to Handle |aggression

Patty Wipfler gently offers the steps you can take when your child is getting aggressive with a friend, a sibling, or to those around him. __________________…

My Child Is Aggressive – What Should I Do?

  How Can I Handle My Child’s Aggressive Behaviors? None of the suggestions in this video with Patty Wipfler include controlling, forcing, or punishing your child. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Watch the video

Is Your Toddler Too Angry to Sleep?

Is your toddler too angry to sleep? Read on to learn how to read the signs and get a solution.  By Lyra L’Estrange Does it ever seem like your toddler is just unsettled? Can’t be happy?

Mit tegyünk, ha harap a gyerekünk?

Sok 1-3 év közötti kisgyerek esik át harapós időszakon. Megharapják anyát, apát vagy egy másik gyereket, és ezzel nem kis aggodalmat keltenek. Ennek a viselkedésnek semmi köze sincs ahhoz, hogy egy gyerek mennyire jó, vagy

What Do I Do When My Child Hits Me

What to do when a child hits is a common parenting question, and a tough one. Watch as Certified Instructor Susan Derby explains how she handled it when her …

A Playful Way to Stop Biting and Pinching

a guest post from Stephanie Parker When my daughter was three she started pinching and biting me. I was pretty shocked as she’d never done anything like that before. I tried setting a limit and

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