Category: Hand in Hand tools

How To Respond When a Baby Cries

Babies cry.

It’s hard to listen when all you want to do is find a way to make your baby stop crying. As a parent you’re hard-wired to care when a baby cries, after all. But sometimes, it feels like babies cry for no reason.

Learning To Cope With My Baby’s Crying

Several years before becoming a Mum I went to stay with a dear friend who had recently given birth. When her baby was crying at times when she wasn’t hungry or cold or wet, she

One (Fun) Way to Survive Grocery Shopping With Kids

Going grocery shopping with my kids always ends up being a nightmare. Historically, I’ll have two kids running up and down the isles playing tag and screaming while the third one is walking next to

Why Responding With Calm Helps An Upset Child

When my daughter was five and a half, we decided to take our craft project outside on a gorgeous afternoon. As soon as she sat down, a big black spider jumped on her arm and

Parenting This Way Saved me from Drowning in Motherhood

I was not prepared for motherhood. Not for the emotional being who was now my responsibility. Not for the craziness, the crying, the fussing, the whinging, the whining, the tantrums and raging meltdowns and not

What’s Going Well in your Parenting?

That’s right! What’s going well? It’s easy to tear yourself apart over parenting, questioning what’s going wrong, and becoming overwhelmed with doubts and disappointments. But this week Abigail and Elle  – and right in time

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