Category: Listening Partnerships

How Healing Old Wounds Helped my Marriage

My kids were with their grandparents and I was spending time with my husband. We were relaxed and talking and everything felt perfect until he mentioned the upcoming marriage of someone that is close to us. At some point I heard him say that if he were that age again he would probably not choose

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What is a Listening Partnership and Why Do I Need One?

What is Hand in Hand Parenting?: Day 6 You’ve seen your children release their feelings of hurt and tension. They’re naturals! The minute something challenging happens, they dive right in to expel the tension. With a Listening Partnership, it’s your turn. So, What is a Listening Partnership? Listening Partnerships are simple to do. You choose someone

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don't know how to play with my kids

What If I’m Just Not A Playful Parent?

“Play with me?” That one question is asked at least 100 times a day in most houses, by kids to their parents. Time and time again we hear that play improves connections. Greys Anatomy-creator (and former workaholic) Shonda Rhimes did a whole Ted Talk on how play impacted her life as a parent. Larry Cohen has two

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Le jour où j’ai réalisé que l’agressivité est hors du contrôle de l’enfant grâce à un Partenariat d’écoute

Je me rappellerai toujours du changement de perspective qui s’est produit pour moi lors de ce Partenariat d’écoute. Nous abordions le thème de l’agressivité chez l’enfant lors d’un groupe de soutien parents et j’ai entendu d’après l’expérience d’autres parents, que les gestes agressifs chez les enfants, sont un appel à l’aide lorsqu’ils ont perdu leur

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Comment assurer son rôle de parent avec plus de patience

Une façon simple d’apaiser le stress et d’assurer son rôle de parent avec plus de patience

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand En tant que parents, nous consacrons une bonne partie de notre temps à prendre soin des autres et à nous préoccuper de leur bien-être. Nous entendons beaucoup parler de “prendre soin de nous”, de “prendre du temps pour soi” ou de comment

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mom feeling lonely about parenting

If Parenting Ever Feels Lonely For You, This Can Help

Did you ever guess parenting could feel so lonely? As parents, we face so many challenges and difficulties, from financial stress, to relationship difficulties, to guilt, exhaustion, sleep deprivation as well as other oppressions, including racism and elitism.  When parenting feels lonely, it impacts your relationships Hand in Hand Parenting’s approach to parenting by connection

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Handling parent anger gentle tips and strategies

Handle Parent Anger In The Moment And After

It was 7am. I could barely keep my eyes open and my son was already surly. I was trying to make myself some tea and him some breakfast. After a few minor complaints about my not being able to do Special Time with him, he finally found a paper and crayons to occupy himself. But

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mama struggling with parenting

To the parent struggling to handle all the things right now

Anyone who works with children, parents or families will be acutely aware of how huge the need for parent support is. That has never been more true than it is now, in the midst of this global crisis.  That you’re reading this suggests that you recognise this yourself, though figuring out how to get that

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Reach Out To Your Family Over the Holidays and Feel Better

Laura Minnigerode on Listening Partnerships During the winter holiday season, I often feel overpowered with emotions about the past. While I cherish memories of being with my family, I feel out of touch and alone. We are separated by thousands of miles and communication styles. It’s hard to reach out. The feelings hit hardest on the

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The Best Ways to Rise Strong After Mom Shame

Your heart sinks as you join the long line of people snaking the aisle at the grocery store. Your baby is already making those noises she makes when she wants you to hold her, and there are about 15 minutes until she needs feeding. You are pretty sure this line will take double that. How

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