Category: Listening Partnerships

Why Do You Revert Back To Yelling, Anger and Blame?

Why do you aim to do better in your parenting, and then fail… First off, let’s get one thing straight. You are never failing. Never. Parenting is a work of practice. And it’s ok when you veer off track from the good intentions you make. But knowing WHY you veer off track goes a long

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Parenting Workshops in Mumbai Offers Support and New Strategies

In Mumbai, India, there are rarely any places where parents can go to offload tensions and get answers for their parenting worries. There are few parenting workshops or support groups. So, when Dipali Ved began learning Hand in Hand Parenting’s empathetic parenting approach she knew she had something to share. “There is really a dearth of

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Try This When You Come Home to A Cranky Toddler

You’ve had a hard day and you walk through the door, ready to see your child and find out what you missed. Except that when you walk into your home, they give you a sour look. You take a deep breath. Instead of the happy homecoming you dreamt of and crave, it looks like you

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Learning To Cope With My Baby’s Crying

Several years before becoming a Mum I went to stay with a dear friend who had recently given birth. When her baby was crying at times when she wasn’t hungry or cold or wet, she simply held her in her arms and listened to her, reassuring her that all was well. I found this fascinating.

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My Own Sweet Success Story with Respectful Parenting

“When I first started my Hand in Hand Parenting journey, I used to wish for success stories. Fast-forward 4.5 years, and here I am to share my own. I hope this helps someone know that Hand in Hand really does work!  For the second time in as many weeks, my 8-year-old son has shown some off-track

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How To Keep Calm Even on School Day Mornings

Is getting ready for school making you all stressed every morning? Do you find yourself screaming “We’re gonna be late!”… …only to find your son still sitting around in his pyjamas? Do you ask yourself why you have to ask them 300 times to do something? Do you feel panic rising at the thought of being late?

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Four Steps To Resolve A Child’s Big Fears

  Many children are afraid of visits to the doctor, but my daughter was TERRIFIED. She’d had a difficult birth and was in the NICU for four days; perhaps those early experiences had stayed with her. She would become terrified in the examining room, trembling, screaming and clinging tightly to me even in a routine examination

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late mom with time anxiety

“Hurry up!” Working On My Fears of Being Late

I am almost never late. I have this fear of things going horribly wrong if I am late. Even for the school run, where they’re quite relaxed about lateness, I’m always 20 minutes early. As for classes and social events, I am always desperately worried that I’m going to miss something, and what if that

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stop yelling at your kids mom stress

This is Why You Lose it With Your Kids

Have you ever lost it with your child over something and not understood why? Why your son’s clinginess on a playdate drives you crazy? Why you snap if you see your oldest daughter hit your youngest? Why your blood races when your baby won’t stop crying? Despite your best intentions to keep calm and understanding,

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smiling boy on sofa using iPad

How to Make Screen Time Special Time

With the infiltration of screens at home and at school, it can be hard knowing where to set limits on screen time with children. Often, screen times seem to alienate. Your child goes off into zombie mode leaving family members excluded, but many children are delighted when parents show an interest, and scheduling in screen

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When I Couldn’t Stop Yelling

I was excited to become a mother, but I didn’t have any idea what I was in for. I thought that parenting would be lots of love and gently guiding my child. I thought that if I was reasonable and kind when I was setting limits that my son would kindly and reasonably comply. When

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Three-Steps to Parenting As a Team

A Guest Post from Anca Deaconu and Megha Mawandia You may have heard the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” No doubt, it is a beautiful thing for a child to be able to spend time with different people, whether that is your spouse, your family, or people in the community. And when you have

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How Hand in Hand Instructors Help Homeless Parents Feel Heard

The summer before Susan Derby began a graduate degree in Social Work she decided to run a class on connection parenting skills to a group at a non-profit housing facility in Los Angeles, CA. The organisation provides shelter for homeless families with children, and Susan, a Hand in Hand Instructor, thought that visiting would be an

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