Category: Other Topics
For Professionals & Therapists: Hand in Hand in Your Work
Brain Science of Children’s Emotions Webinar by Certified Instructor Karen Wolfe, MA, LMFT. Connect with Karen
Quel est le problème avec la fessée ?
Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Dans de nombreuses cultures occidentales, la permission de fesser les enfants remonte à très loin dans l’histoire. Beaucoup de nos parents nous ont donné des fessées. Et la plupart d’entre nous se rappellent que nos parents ont
How to Support Your Growing Preteen
Hand in Hand Founder Patty Wipfler answers your parenting questions on parenting tweens. For a deep dive into how to use Hand in Hand to create more cooperation and a deeper relationship with your preteen, Patty has created a self-guided video course, Raising Happier Tweens. To work with an Instructor on a daily basis,
How to be the Grandparent You Want to Be: An Interview with Hand in Hand Parenting’s Patty Wipfler
We know that grandparents can make a huge difference in the lives of their grandchildren. They can be another ear to listen. A teacher, a carer. Someone to share different ideas and viewpoints. They can be a key source of love in a secure support network for a child as they grow. But grandparenting is
How I Want to Support Parents – Why I wrote the book Listen
Tosha Schore, parent educator and co-author of the book Listen: Five Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges shares why she wrote the book to suppor…
Starting School Part 1 – How to Pack the Backpack
Starting school, whether it’s for the first time, entering a new school, or even returning to a familiar school after a break, can be a challenge for both our children and ourselves. And we mean “school” whether it’s on campus or at home. While we carefully pack their school bag or plan their timetables with
Starting School – for Grown Ups
If summer is drawing to a close, you may be starting to think about the start of school. Or you might be preparing for your child to start school in the New Year. For some, the new school year is a return to something known and understood. But for those of us beginning school for
Starting School Part 2 – How to Unpack the Backpack
Starting school for the first time, or after the long summer holidays, can pull up old feelings of separation. Be kind to yourselves and your children: leave time for some extra upsets over the first few weeks, as the scab is lifted again, and as feelings about school and about leaving you surface again. Take every opportunity you can to listen to your child – when they seem to be having big upsets about small things, or they seem to be much more clingy than usual.
These Five Things Make for Happy New Parents
Having a baby is like moving to a new country. We have lots of questions as we get to know this new person in our lives and many feelings can surface for us in the days and months that follow our new arrival. Sometimes we feel an enormous love when a new baby is born,
“We Are a Completely Different Family”
Mum Paula Bleanch talks to instructor Abigail Wald about the amazing changes that occurred when she started using Hand in Hand Parenting tools with her child…
Hand in Hand Inspires Parents
Hand in Hand helps parents, educators, and healthcare professionals build more connected, playful, and joyful relationships with children through our unique approach and 5 simple Tools
29 Reasons Why Campaign
This is our 29th year of supporting parents and families! Your support will bring the benefits and resources of Hand in Hand Parenting to parents and childre…
Quoi dire lorsque tu Restes-écouter
Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Nos parents, pour la plupart d’entre eux, ne nous ont pas écoutés tandis que nous exprimions nos sentiments de façon passionnée. Ceci n’a jamais été modélisé pour eux. Nous, à notre tour, ne savons pas toujours quoi dire. Il se peut
Apprivoiser la colère des parents : 8 clefs pour calmer la tempête
Un article de Julie Johnson traduit de l’anglais par Frédérique Mezier et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand “La réponse la plus aidante face à un sentiment déclenché, est de reconnaître que la charge émotionnelle qui émane de vous est un signal indiquant qu’il y a quelque chose qui cloche. Autrement dit, la
Aider les enfants avec l’agression
Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Ton enfant a-t-il déjà envoyé un coup et blessé quelqu’un ? Un autre enfant agressif l’a-t-il déjà embêté ? Si ta réponse est oui, bienvenue au club ! Nous luttons presque tous pour comprendre et aider nos enfants quand ils en
Introducing Certified Instructor Marieke Sluijs in Netherlands
Marieke is the loving mother of a little boy and girl. Together with her husband and kids, she lives in the center of the Netherlands. Apart from being a Han…
Cinci lucruri adevărate pe care fiecare proaspăt părinte ar trebui să le știe
Indiferent de cât de multe cărți citești sau cu câți oameni vorbești, din momentul în care îți ții bebelușul în brațe ți se schimbă viața. În funcție de experiența nașterii pe care ai avut-o, s-ar putea să te simți extaziată sau epuizată, că ești pe val sau îngropată în valea cea mai adâncă. Sunt multe