Category: Other Topics

How to Become a Hand in Hand Instructor (Replay)

Join Certified Instructor Kirsten Nottleson for this one-hour informational call replay on the Hand in Hand Instructor Certification Program. Learn from Kirsten the process and requirements for entering the Certification Program and learn Hand in

29 Reasons Why Campaign

This is our 29th year of supporting parents and families! Your support will bring the benefits and resources of Hand in Hand Parenting to parents and childre…

Quoi dire lorsque tu Restes-écouter

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Nos parents, pour la plupart d’entre eux, ne nous ont pas écoutés tandis que nous exprimions nos sentiments de façon passionnée.

Aider les enfants avec l'agression

Aider les enfants avec l’agression

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Ton enfant a-t-il déjà envoyé un coup et blessé quelqu’un ? Un autre enfant agressif l’a-t-il déjà embêté ? Si ta

HIH Changing lives 2017

Hand in Hand Parenting is changing parents lives globally. Learn more about us at We look forward to connecting with you! Facebo…

Parenting Preteens: Letting Them Grow, Keeping Them Close

Ah, parenting preteens, finally our kids are ready to stand on their own two feet. Our job is nearly done. Our children, as they grow into pre-teens, don’t need us so much. Right? Wrong! They need our love and warm attention, just as much now as when they clung to us sobbing on their first day at school. They need our confidence in them. They need our faith in their intrinsic goodness. They need our conviction that they can figure out this perplexing, sometimes hostile world and find their place.

Como a ayudar nuestros niños

Conoce al Instructor: Marilupe de la Calle, mamá mexicana afortunada de vivir en los Estados Unidos con su esposo y sus dos maravillosas nenas. Leer más en Marilupe: El Papel del Miedo en Nuestra Vida

armonie între frați – Replay

Ai visat întotdeauna legătura aceea profundă dintre frați, afecțiunea și înțelegerea mai presus de cuvinte, susținerea și prietenia necondiționată. Dar te-ai ales cu copii care se ceartă, se necăjesc sau se jignesc unul pe altul,

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