Category: Parenting Tools

Why Do I Keep Losing My Temper with My Toddler?

Getting angry with your toddler? Ask yourself this, How did you feel about your child becoming a toddler? While some parents mourn the loss of babyhood, most are eager to see their babies become toddlers.

Connection over the holidays

18 Sanity-Saving Tips To Keep Connected Over the Holidays

Sleighbells ring, are you listening? Unfortunately, probably not. That is, if you are shoulder-high in festive planning and your children are fighting over the last gingerbread. Here’s 18 sanity-saving tips for tackling those holiday stresses,

title of video talk with Patty Wipfleron connecting with your child

Discover a Powerful Way To Connect With Your Child

Does your child know how much you love them? Like, how much you’d do anything for them love them? If you find yourself dishing out ultimatums, caught up in stand offs and power struggles or

Shows a child clinging to mom

How to Help a Clingy Child Play Independently

Your clingy child won’t play independently? In this post, you’ll learn how play therapists help increase kids capacity for play – and how you can too at home.   A parent I was working with once

Handling Halloween Howls Using the Hand in Hand Tools

This week: Handling Halloween Using the Hand in Hand Tools So, your kids are fighting over the Halloween candy stash, and their sugar highs (and begging for more) send your blood pressure soaring. Maybe you

So, How Far Have You Come in Your Parenting?

Where were you two years ago in parenting? Sometimes we get so caught up in the present-day challenges we forget to look back and see the progress we’ve made. And we should!  A week before

The Best Ways to Rise Strong After Mom Shame

Your heart sinks as you join the long line of people snaking the aisle at the grocery store. Your baby is already making those noises she makes when she wants you to hold her, and

Why Do You Revert Back To Yelling, Anger and Blame?

Why do you aim to do better in your parenting, and then fail… First off, let’s get one thing straight. You are never failing. Never. Parenting is a work of practice. And it’s ok when

How to Help Kids Manage Their Friendships

So there it is. An invitation. Your child is waving it in your face with a grin brighter than gold. And you? Does your heart soar? Or sink? Acceptance Similarity Belonging Self-worth Influence Betrayal Here’s

mom flying away with umbrella

Do You Know the Best Way Out of Parent Anger?

What gets you super seething mama mad? Is it the constant asks and requests, the “Mom where’s my… that’s so overwhelming? Maybe it’s the piles of toys and dishes and chip packets you asked to

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