Category: Healthy Discipline and Setting Limits with Children

Set Limits Without Blame or Shame

I have thought a lot about what words I say to my two children when they are pushing boundaries and I need to set a limit. I have found the phrase, “I can’t let you do that” to be so helpful. Of course, physically stepping in to be close, and my body language, is just

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Sleep Issues: Helping My 5-year-old Sleep on Her Own

My habit had been to lay down with my five-year-old daughter at bedtime until she was asleep, which often took half an hour or more.  She would fall asleep fairly easily when others put her to bed, reading books with the light on until she fell asleep. I was ready to make a shift in

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How to Set Limits with Laughter

A Guest Post by Stephanie Parker My daughter is about to turn nine and I’ve been thinking recently that I’d like her to do more around the house. I haven’t spent enough time making this happen in the past, I’ve taken shortcuts by just doing things myself because it’s ‘quicker’. So this morning I’d washed

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What if Consistency is not Vital?

Consistency is not vital Can you believe this?  This nugget of wisdom is perhaps the most important thing that I learned when I first came across Hand in Hand Parenting. So much of the advice about how to handle a range of parenting challenges, and about limit setting in general, suggests that it’s super important

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Seven Surprise Ways To Stop Tantrums In Their Tracks

It seems like my son has been advocating for himself since the minute he was born. If he wanted to feed, he wanted to feed now!  As a toddler, if he wanted my attention he’d climb up on my lap and turn my face away from whoever I was talking to.  If he did not

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Why Tantrums Happen and How You Can Help…Part 1

How Is A Tantrum A Bid For Connection? The man at my parenting talk is exasperated by his two-year-old son’s behavior. “First, he wants a glass of milk,” he tells me. “I pour the glass and hand it to him, and he gets upset and says he doesn’t want it. So I say, ‘Okay, then,

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happy holiday with kids

Setting Limits On Holidays – Part 3: Stepping In

In this series we’ve been exploring how to set holidays up for the fun and relaxation time you all deserve.  In Part 1, we saw how kids can go from playing nicely one minute, to a sudden switch into fighting and tears. We covered how this happens when a child loses their sense of connection

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De vilains mots dans la bouche de bons enfants

De vilains mots dans la bouche de bons enfants

Une réponse de Patty Wipfler, traduite de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand “Mes enfants me rendent folle quand ils utilisent le mot “S…” et quand ils traitent leurs parents et frères et sœurs de “stupides” lorsqu’ils sont en colère. Il me disent, “Tu es stupide” ou

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Dads handling disrespectful behavior

How To Handle Your Child’s Disrespectful Behaviour in a Whole New Way

“People always say ‘choose your battles in parenting’. Let’s choose peace instead. After all, children are not our enemies, and childhood should not be a battleground.’  This wise thinking from L.R. Knost is a wonderful aim—and something that most parents strive for.  None of us begin parenting hoping to spend hours locked in battle. But

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toddler running away from parents

Warm Kind Ways To Stop Your Toddler Running Away

My mum tells this story about how, when I was 18 months old, I climbed to the top of a very tall slide, cunningly waited for her to get to the top of the ladder behind me, shot down the slide, jumped up and sprinted away, cackling and shrieking with laughter at her calls for

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When a Child Prefers One Parent

It took months to organise, but today you escaped for lunch with two old friends and left your kids with your partner. Secretly, you couldn’t be happier. Your youngest is going through a phase that is really demanding. He says “no,” whenever you ask him to do something, he is constantly asking for things he

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turn your child's reactive, inflexible behavior around

How to Help A Child Who Seems Reactive and Inflexible

You wake up to a bright and shining sun, nothing but blue skies and birds singing. Your child calls out to you. You go into their room, look into their beautiful eyes feeling the joy of a new day and they complain.  Loudly.  “I don’t want to go to camp!!!” Your child pulls the covers

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