Category: Siblings

When your child needs you and you can’t help

When children cry for more closeness, or get upset because you can’t help them right away, it can be an excellent chance to help them to fully release the sadness they feel. Once the crying

Foster More Good Moments Between Siblings

Brothers and sisters want to get along. They want to have fun with each other. Often, we parents are so relieved to have things going well between our children that we don’t notice the details

Games to Help Your Older Child Feel Special

After a new sibling has arrived, an older child’s feelings will be both large with love and wonder, and tight with upset about his sibling’s intrusion into his relationship and time with you. One of

Helping Siblings Get Along

Early one morning, my daughter began to be aggressive in her play with her younger brother. She was insisting that he play with her, and on her terms. He was doing his best to tell her no, but it wasn’t getting through. The situation was escalating, and quick.

When Our Kids Show Us They “Get It”

By Ravid Aisenman Abrahmsohn I was reminded recently just how much children tell us when we listen – through good times and bad. One family in my Skill Building group has a five- year-old son

Playing Away My Son’s Aggressive Behaviour

I had to keep a very close watch on my son, and be able to move in fast to protect myself or my daughter when he decided to have a swipe! But as the time went on, these incidents were fewer, and he was laughing more, and including his sister more in the games we were playing. I could sense we were all feeling very close.

Set Limits Without Blame or Shame

I have thought a lot about what words I say to my two children when they are pushing boundaries and I need to set a limit. I have found the phrase, “I can’t let you

connecting chaos siblings big feelings

Connecting Through Chaos: What to Do When Siblings Have Big Feelings at the Same Time

What parent hasn’t wished she could clone herself into an army of expert cuddlers, caregivers, lap holders, child carriers, diaper changers, housekeepers and taskmasters? How many times can we say, “There is only one of me”? We want to love, nurture and connect with our children, while at the same time supporting their healthy development, and also managing our responsibilities of putting the groceries away, cooking dinner, living in an organized house, maintaining relationships with the neighbors, driving the kids around… the list goes on. How can there ever be enough of us to go around?

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