Category: Special Time

title of video talk with Patty Wipfleron connecting with your child

Discover a Powerful Way To Connect With Your Child

Does your child know how much you love them? Like, how much you’d do anything for them love them? If you find yourself dishing out ultimatums, caught up in stand offs and power struggles or

Shows a child clinging to mom

How to Help a Clingy Child Play Independently

Your clingy child won’t play independently? In this post, you’ll learn how play therapists help increase kids capacity for play – and how you can too at home.   A parent I was working with once

Father and child laughing at bedtime story

Four Steps To A Peaceful Bedtime Routine

A guest post by Irina Nichifiriuc Read this post in Romanian In our house, I faced a series of “battles” and obstacles every night as the day wore on towards bedtime. With three children, I

Special Time Helped Me Support My Son’s Big Ideas

I was on Special Time duty one particular weekend and had done 20 minutes with each of my younger two children. Next, it was my oldest son’s turn. He’s 7. Originally he’d said he wanted

The Power of Rituals and Bringing Your Family Closer

It’s the season to be…making rituals? What is a Ritual Anyway? Elle asks this week are rituals the same as routine and is implementing them just a lot of extra work? Abigail mentions some family

One Way To Keep Connections Strong on Vacation

We long to relax and enjoy each other’s company on vacation, but in new surroundings, after long journeys, children can feel out of sorts and disconnected, and often meltdown on holidays. Allocating one-on-one time builds

smiling boy on sofa using iPad

How to Make Screen Time Special Time

With the infiltration of screens at home and at school, it can be hard knowing where to set limits on screen time with children. Often, screen times seem to alienate. Your child goes off into

How Play Helps Keep Kids on Task

My partner’s son has to do one hour of eye exercises each night. Needless to say they are the last thing he wants to do. To give my partner a break from the limit setting

A Simple Strategy To Help Kids Face Their Challenges

As little as five or 10 minutes following a child in play can transform many of the big challenges parents face raising little ones today. If you want to set a limit on behavior, transition

How Emergency Special Time Helps an Aggressive Sibling

Early one morning, my seven-year-old daughter began to be aggressive with her younger brother. She insisted that he play with her—and on her terms. He did his best to tell her no, but he wasn’t

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