Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers – Making it work in your family, with Madeleine Winter
6 Wednesdays beginning March 26th USAh , 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM US Pacific , late morning Thurs AEDT
$347 (25% Discount for Parent Club members)
Gain Confidence in your Parenting
Join Certified Instructor Madeleine Winter on Zoom as she guides you through the process of building the best relationship possible with your child as you work through the Hand in Hand Parenting Foundations Course. This is the place to start if you are new to Hand in Hand Parenting. It will hlep you understand the roots of your child’s frustrating behaviour and give you the right tools to bring it back on course. Madeleine has been working with parents using the Hand in Hand Tools for over 30 years, and brings deep experience to coaching and supporting mothers and fathers across the world.
Get Support As you Learn
The challenge is to work out how to apply Hand in Hand’s connection-based approach in your family. Madeleine offers the Course via online coursework, 1-1 coaching and support, and meeting with a small group of other fathers and mothers on the same parenting jo urney.
You will learn about:
– Understanding your child’s difficult behaviours as stress signals and bids for connection
– Responding better to tears, tantrums, defiance, aggression, and other common parenting challenges
– Setting limits with warmth and authority before becoming frustrated and “losing it”
– Using the power of play to lift your children’s fears, restore their confidence, and win their cooperation
– Reducing your own parenting stress and offer support to others through advice-free Listening Time
“It’s working! What you’ve suggested is actually helping me not only understand these unique little people but it seems to work well with the grownups in my family too! And for the first time in ages I’ve been enjoying parenting. This is a huge shift. Thank you.” Mother of 4 year old twins and 5 year old
Not sure if it is for you? Madeleine loves to help: why not book a Free 20Minute Consultation and she can help direct you to the best resources and support.
• An online classroom with videos and readings by Hand in Hand founder, Patty Wipfler, organized into manageable at-home assignments. The Coursework gives you a comprehensive introduction to the Hand in Hand approach, and how it applies to various parenting challenges. You have indefinite access, and can start Coursework anytime.
• Personalised Parenting Support from Madeleine, a deeply experienced parent coach, offered via Zoom, flexibly to suit your schedule .
TO REGISTER: please go to: https://madeleinewinter.com/events/parenting-starter-class/
(Parent Club Members who have been members more than two weeks, may use their 25% off code for this class – please contact Madeleine to arrange a discount prior to paying.)
Want to know more about Madeleine?
Madeleine is the parent of a young adult, and has been using and teaching the Hand in Hand approach for over 30 years. She was a Mentor as part of Hand in Hand’s Instructor Training Program and moderated the Hand in Hand Facebook Group for Parents of Older Kids for several years.
She lives in Sydney, and works with a diverse range of families from many different cultures around the world.
What have parents said about Madeleine?
“I found Madeleine to be warm, organised, able to answer questions clearly, thoughtful, respectful, professional and authentic.” A father taking the online Foundations for Parents and Caregivers Course
“I would describe this course as a life-changing experience. I went into this class thinking that my family life was about as good as it could get. Little did I know that parenting didn’t have to feel like my life was being drained out of me. Thanks to my Listening Partners and my new Listening Tools, my relationship with my son is better than I ever thought possible. And I finally have energy left over to take care of myself!” Mother of 9-year-old boy.
WHAT: Hand in Hand Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers Course, with Madeleine Winter
HOW: Start when you are ready. Connect via individual Consultations at your convenience, and join the Support Calls if the Call time suits.
WHEN: Foundations Course Support Calls run on Wednesdays 6pm Pacific/Thursdays late morning Sydney time, Australia. Call times will vary outside the US due to timezone changes for Winter and Summer time. Support Call length varies from 30-90 minutes depending on the number of participants.
WHAT TIME IS THAT FOR YOU?: To convert to your timezone try this world clock converter. Please keep in mind time changes around the world may affect your Call time.
WHERE: All Calls are on Zoom. Join via the web, phone app, or by dialing in by phone.
FIND OUT MORE: https://madeleinewinter.com/events/parenting-starter-class/