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Is This Normal?! Ask Us Anything for Parents of Teens and Tweens with Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn and Kirsten Nottleson

Thursday, February 13th, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM US Pacific, 11:00 AM US Central, 12:00 PM US Eastern, 8:00 PM UK


The big question… Is this normal?

It’s clear that the child we’ve known for the past 10+ years is CHANGING! Some of the changes can be scary, confusing, or downright maddening. And it can be hard to “get your bearings” as a parent. Things can feel pretty topsy turvey and it can feel like your child is “the only one doing ____” or that you must be “the only parent” feeling this way about your child.

During this FREE, ONLINE call you can ask parenting experts Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn, all the questions you may be afraid to ask.

Things we’ve covered on other calls… The way you parent your child starts to look different as they get older. They roll their eyes at the suggestion of connection or quality time. The phrase “you are not the boss of me” that you heard when they were 3 is now louder! You may worry more as the risks “out there” are bigger.

Kirsten and Ravid are going LIVE to answer your questions about what to do when all you seem to get is a smirk, eye roll, or even a slammed door. Learn how to connect in a slightly different way to deepen your relationship so that you are keeping your tween/teen close, even as you are letting them go.


Thursday, February 13th
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM US Pacific, 11:00 AM US Central, 12:00 PM US Eastern, 8:00 PM UK
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