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Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn

Upcoming events led by

Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn


Weekly Support Call for Parents of Teens and Tweens with Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn

Online Event
Register Now 4 weeks $140, 8 weeks (discounted) $240

You are a good parent. Your t(w)een is a good kid. Really. It is so easy to get triggered when our children shut us out, “won't listen,” don't seem to want to cooperate, or are having trouble in social settings or school. It can be hard to remember to plug in a little play, set […]

Raising Happier Teens and Tweens – Staying Connected Come What May, with Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abamsohn

Online Event

"Ravid & Kirsten saved my relationship with my teens! ...With Ravid & Kirsten’s focus on connection over correction, I was able to relax and reconnect with my teens! Parents are allowed a safe place to show their struggles! You will not only gain insights into your relationship with your teen, you will gain insights into […]

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