How to Boost the Mental Health of Children
By Rachel Schofield A stunning 80% of adults feel like their parents didn’t really love them as a kid (1). This creates a drain on the mental health of children. Of course, we all love
By Rachel Schofield A stunning 80% of adults feel like their parents didn’t really love them as a kid (1). This creates a drain on the mental health of children. Of course, we all love
a guest post by Kate Orson Sleep advice for babies and toddlers usually comes in two forms. There is the strict ‘cry it out’ approach where we leave children alone till they learn we won’t
En Español I’m Marilupe, and I’m glad you’re here today. I am a Mexican mom living in the US with my husband and my two amazing girls. I feel fortunate that I get to share
He reminds me that no one expects me to be perfect except myself. And I lose it over how much pressure I put on myself… and how I’m failing my children…
a guest post from Kate Orson, a Hand in Hand Parent Shyness is a label, often put on children, but actually it’s just a set of reactions to a certain situation. Who has a ‘shy’
I could smell something burning. I was in the bathroom helping my daughter who had just wet her pants, while my older son was screaming for my attention in the living room, “Come here now
Contrary to popular belief we should actually wind our children up before sleep! Roughhousing, and lots of giggles, can help children release any stress or remaining tension from the day. It also helps to build
Setting a limit at bedtime can bring up big feelings for children. Holding the limit, while making room to also hear the feelings is a challenge, but it builds a child’s confidence and connection with
Aggression is common in toddlers, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. The Hand in Hand Parenting philosophy is based on the fact that all children are naturally, good, loving and co-operative. Sometimes hurt feelings overwhelm
When a child displays off track and unreasonable behavior, they are often asking for us to bring a limit to help them stop. Bringing a limit to off track behavior can provide the emotional release
I’ve been feeling quite disconnected from my partner recently and when this happens I seem to get really cross and resentful towards him for the smallest thing.
Having a power struggle at bedtime is hard on everyone. By using Playlistening, my son could save face and get to practice having some power in the situation, which small children rarely do.
After a bit of laughter our child is often much more likely to co-operate with us without a power struggle. Here are ten awkward moments where laughter can save the day. Repeat as necessary until
The abundance of holidays can feel full enough for some, but perhaps missing something or someone for others. Wish lists might include more “or” less food, or people, or toys. Holidays can be rigorous for
When young and old babies cry it can trigger or activate our own emotional learning experiences from childhood. We feel a deep desire to know what is causing them distress and how to help.
You know it better than anyone: parenting isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It’s poopy diapers, grocery store tantrums, and sticky fingers. It’s a job that asks so much of you, regardless of whether you have
Listen in as Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructors Maya Coleman, PhD Clinical Psychologist and Georgie Bancroft, PhD Psychologist share stories of how parents and other carers have helped their children sleep.
Las madres y los padres aman a sus hijos. Todos los días se esfuerzan y hacen lo mejor que pueden. Hand in Hand ofrece apoyo e información útil para las nuevas mamás y los nuevos