One Way to Unblock Stuck Emotions

Listening Partnerships with Emilie Leeks When we first encountered Hand in Hand Parenting, we were struck not only by the non-judgemental, meet-you-where-you-are tone, but also by the practical ideas offered through the Listening Tools. Four of the

A Tool That Helps Students Feel Heard

Traditionally in classrooms, teachers talk and children listen. While curriculums are updating to include self-directed learning, children in many classrooms may still feel unheard, and if they have worries or concerns outside of learning –

Play Helped When My Child Acted Helpless

My daughter was a very capable girl at eight years old. She was smart, strong, clever, and so resourceful. But at the same time, she sometimes acted helplessly. As a single parent, it would drive

4 Types of Limits That Children Need

Science says that limits give a good framework for children to flourish. And setting limits is an integral part of Hand in Hand’s empathetic, authoritative approach.

How to Say No to Your Child with Love

Saying no can be hard. Some of us avoid saying it if we feel like we just don’t have the energy for another fight and we skirt around saying “No.”  For others it brings up a lot

4 Essential Tools for A Trauma-Sensitive Care Program

Listening Tools in Therapy Jack arrived at 36 weeks, having experienced a foetal distress that sent his system into survival mode. Doctors, acting fast, used vigorous suctioning in a stressful birth and it was soon discovered that Jack

Why Won’t My Partner Open Up?

Do you find yourself pushing your feelings down because your partner always seems to tense up and over react when you try and tell him? Are you worried to ask your partner his feelings because

Sharing the Love: 6 Ways to Love Valentine’s As A Family

Before the diapers and the laundry, the meal-planning and the playdate planning, there was actual time for Valentine’s Day. Way back then pre-children, time spent counting cards and arranging grand romantic gestures was special. Now, it

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