Bonus! These Ideas Work So Much Better
Than Self-Care For Parents

Get fast ways to refuel

Parents are asking:

  • Should things be as hard as this?
  • Shouldn’t I be able to keep on top of everything?
  • Am I messing up?

Parenting does feel really hard for so many of us after these past few years. 

Because we are still trying to find our bearings – and because life remains uncertain. 

We get told a little self-care will solve everything…

As if a green tea or a massage will make the stress, the change, the demands and the overwhelm disappear! (Even if you could make time!). 

Meanwhile, we keep giving, giving, giving…

Kathy and Emily share easy ways to refuel in minutes. 

Because taking care of yourself shouldn’t be so hard. 

Stay tuned for a special invite too. 

Tune into hear:

  • Start small – even a few tweaks can bring more connection and space to feel better
  • Letting go of the ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds.’
  • How to take stock of exactly what you need.
  • Find more ease, joy and fun in parenting.
  • Why live connection can make such a difference to your mindset and well-being.
The Hand in Hand Parent Club Podcast
The Hand in Hand Parent Club Podcast
How Can I Finally Stop My Child's Repetitive Annoying Behaviors?

One Small Thing…


This week Emily and Kathy invite you to Recharge. Get your ticket here – and see you there. 


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