The Instructor Candidate Hub Discussion Group

This version of the Instructor Candidate Hub is paired with a Discussion group hosted by Google Groups. The discussion group is where you’ll receive important announcements and is a place for you to ask questions

Monthly Zoom Class 9

Please watch the video of the section you didn’t attend and think about the similarities/differences in how we presented the material. We encourage all of our instructors to actively work on early experiences that lead

Monthly Zoom Class 3

Please watch the content and Q/A segments from the section(s) that you didn’t attend (along with any other segments that interest you). The content is different in the two sections and we’d like you to

Monthly Zoom Class 2

Please watch the content and Q/A segments from the section(s) that you didn’t attend (along with any other segments that interest you). The content is different in the two sections and we’d like you to

Monthly Zoom Class 1

Please watch the content and Q/A segments from the section that you didn’t attend (along with any other segments that interest you). The content is different in the two sections and we’d like you to

Are We Being Oversold On Self-Care?

What do you think of when you think of self-care? Is it a manicure? A bubble bath?  A solo trip to the grocery store? Maybe a chat on the phone with a friend? Finally making

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