Holding child's hand

Help for the Hard Times in Parenting

When we became parents, most of us had no idea that we would need to master the art of handling stress. Nurturing children is a job that’s best done with ample and relaxed support—several committed

A Good Cry Can Promote Secure Attachment

Most of us parents want, more than anything, for our presence to be the elixir that banishes our children’s upsets.  We want our touch, our cuddles, and our sweet words to heal the hurt. Our

Setting Limits as a Family

I was just reflecting on how much progress my family has made with the listening tools. Yesterday, I was working late, and my au pair (from Mexico) was eating dinner with my children and getting

let’s get started!

Parenting by Connection teaches parents 5 essential tools to work through off-track behavior and build the most important relationship your child will ever know. This short video and the resources below will get you started:

“Quit Being So Mad!”

My 10 yr old son and I can both be hot tempered, and I am a single parent. There is not another adult around to help me re-group, but there is always a listening partner,

Setting Limits Uncovers School-Time Hurt

My five-year-old daughter and I had had a really fun evening together: a mommy-and-daughter dinner date at our favorite burger place, followed by frozen yogurt nearby. We talked a lot and were playful with one another throughout,

Madeleine Winter

Madeleine Winter

Madeleine says, “the best thing I ever did was become a parent.  I don’t want any parent to feel bad about themselves as a parent.  No matter what the struggle, we parents are the bravest,

Being a Supportive Grandparent

Grandparents are Important! Grandparents are very important to families. Our value to our children and grandchildren is enormous.  Your grandchildren love to spend time with you and your children are often grateful for the added

Listening to Teens Can Get Messy

Ever wonder what you can do with those foam peanuts that are used as packaging material for fragile items?  Well, my teen daughter and I found out how we could use them… It was just

Healing Without Medicine

At the park one Sunday a little boy lifted my daughter, who is 3-1/2, in a tree and she fell. I heard her cry and ran to her. Her hand was dangling at a 90-degree

New Parent Podcasts

Parents love their children. Parents try hard. They do their best every single day. Hand in Hand provides support and helpful information for new parents on everything from Responding Well to Crying to Helping Baby

Helping My Son Sleep Through The Night

My nine year old son usually falls right asleep at night.  This has been such a blessing for me and quite contrary to his younger sister who likes to stay up late. On one particular

planes trains small children

Planes, Trains, and Small Children

Q. I’m wondering if you have some sage advice about dealing with our rambunctious 2 year-old on a transatlantic flight in a week. My son is very physical and very loud in his crying, and

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