Tickling Kids Can Do More Harm Than Good

Tickling children is one of those customary kinds of play that is handed down from generation to generation through our families. It is rarely questioned, but deserves to be thought about more carefully, as it’s

Getting Through School Struggles

Children love to learn. Learning is as natural as breathing to them—they absorb every single thing that happens. They learn through play, they learn from the behavior of the children and adults around them, they learn

Backbone and Bounce: Building Resilience

What can we parents do to help our children build resilience, so they can bounce back after adversity? This may be one of the key questions in parenting. We can’t entirely protect our children from

Parent Education: Dealing with Emotions

“Don’t be so emotional!” “Don’t let your feelings run away with you!” “Big boys don’t cry.” “Calm down and let’s be rational about this.” Life is full of warnings to keep our emotional lives in check. Yet


Ever notice how your child’s behavior can change from day to day or even hour to hour? “Hand in Hand helps us be the parents we want to be. I feel so much closer to

Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn

Ravid began by bringing Parenting by Connection to the Israeli community in Silicon Valley, California, and is now providing services in Israel. She has two girls and has been using listening tools since 2008. Through

Rachel Schofield

Rachel Schofield has been involved with Hand in Hand Parenting 2007. She’s a Professional Member of the Australian Association of Family Therapists, and Mum to two boys. Rachel says, “So many parents I work with want

Programs & Services

Our focus is on working with parents and primary caregivers whose children are ages one month to six years, though our tools are effective for children of all ages. Our approach falls within the authoritative

When To Wean The Baby

How do you know when to wean your child? When you ask your friends and family when to wean, you’ll get advice that ranges from “Any time you want after the first few months,” to

What to do When Toddlers Bite

Toddlers don’t decide to bite. They are generous beings at heart, and they don’t want to hurt anyone. A toddler bites because a big wave of tension has suddenly flooded his brain. He doesn’t plan

Why Listening Works

A pair of six year old girls, teasing each other in the car on the way home from school. Oh joy, that’s my idea of a fun drive home. “You’re mean.” “I don’t like you.”

“It’s Mine!” All About Sharing

When children want something, their feelings are often passionate. They can be gripped by a desire so strong that no other option will do. Every cell in their bodies is organized to communicate that having

no thumb pacifier

No More Thumb! No More Pacifier!

We adults have lots of ways to distract ourselves from feeling a little off base. We jiggle our feet, chew on a pencil, snack and snack again, read the paper, or sneak in a bit

Nightmares and Night Terrors

All of us experienced nightmares at some point in our childhood. Usually, nightmares are an occasional thing. And they need a parent to be close to them, to hold them, and to keep them safe

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