Indira Raja

Indira Raja, Certified Hand in Hand Instructor Welcome to my page! I am so glad you are here! I came across Hand in Hand Parenting in 2014 when I was looking for ways to help

Helping young children sleep

Aider les jeunes enfants à dormir

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand La confiance dans le sommeil ne vient pas naturellement pour beaucoup d’enfants et ils peuvent lutter pour

Aider les enfants à vaincre leurs peurs

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Une enfant prend peur lorsque des circonstances qu’elle ne peut pas contrôler, ou des circonstances qu’elle ne comprend pas, perturbent son

mom feeling lonely about parenting

If Parenting Ever Feels Lonely For You, This Can Help

Did you ever guess parenting could feel so lonely? As parents, we face so many challenges and difficulties, from financial stress, to relationship difficulties, to guilt, exhaustion, sleep deprivation as well as other oppressions, including

Raluca Zagura

My name is Raluca and I am a mother of two kids. I live in London, UK, and before embarking on the Hand In Hand Parenting Instructor journey I worked for almost 15 years as

Magdalena Garcia

Magdalena has supported families and children for many years in preschool, elementary and middle school as a teacher, a teacher coach, and Director. She co-founded a small non-profit K-8 school focused on social-emotional development, moving

When a Child Prefers One Parent

It took months to organise, but today you escaped for lunch with two old friends and left your kids with your partner. Secretly, you couldn’t be happier. Your youngest is going through a phase that

Alison Kemi

Alison is passionate about seeing the goodness in children and their parents, no matter how tough things seem to be, and supporting them to find what works for their own unique situation. Before becoming a

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