When I Couldn’t Stop Yelling

I was excited to become a mother, but I didn’t have any idea what I was in for. I thought that parenting would be lots of love and gently guiding my child. I thought that

Three-Steps to Parenting As a Team

A Guest Post from Megha Mawandia You may have heard the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” No doubt, it is a beautiful thing for a child to be able to spend

Unexplained Crying May Come from an Emotional Need

  With Laura Minnigerode You thought you’d covered everything. It’s late in the day, your baby is fed, healthy, and their diaper is changed, you’ve jiggled and jostled them until you are exhausted, and they

Why Crying Helps Calm Fearful Children

  A guest post by Laura Minnigerode Children’s brains are wired to connect with caregivers. And if they cry it means they feel especially safe and secure. Since a child’s limbic system works brilliantly to

Listening to Little Kids Helps Them Sleep

By Laura Minnigerode Carmela is 21 months old, and a student in my classroom in a community college lab school. Because she loves to play and is not as sleepy as many of the other

Sushila Hart

Sushila Hart lives in Marin County, 1 hour North of San Francisco. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and an Early Childhood Education Certificate for several hours of ECE studies. She has many years

Parenting Across Social, Racial, and Economic Gaps

Here’s a little question: …What’s going well for you? It’s a simple enough question and one that can bring a moment’s lightness when your day feels heavy. It’s also a question we ask a lot

Special Time Helps Children Heal Hidden Fears

by María Ignacia del Río Silva Read this post in Spanish One winter day, when my 6-year-old son was in kindergarten, I was – once again -surprised by the tremendous power he has to do “Special

What To Do When Your Child Won’t Nap

How often have you told your child that it’s naptime only to be met with complete disapproval? We know our children benefit from a rest midday, and may of us look forward to that window, either

Five Truths Every New Parent Should Know

No matter how many books you read, how many people you talk to, holding your new baby in your arms is a life-changing moment. Depending on the birth experience you have, you may be elated

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