“I Need Space, Mama!”: When Your Child Tells You To Go Away
We were on our way home from a festival weekend where we had camped out. We’d been on the road for an hour or so. My 3-year-old daughter was busy drawing and I was sitting
We were on our way home from a festival weekend where we had camped out. We’d been on the road for an hour or so. My 3-year-old daughter was busy drawing and I was sitting
Listening Tools in Therapy Jack arrived at 36 weeks, having experienced a foetal distress that sent his system into survival mode. Doctors, acting fast, used vigorous suctioning in a stressful birth and it was soon discovered that Jack
I have a weekly appointment with a Listening Partner and I know that this scheduled time helps me work deeply on topics that feel heavy to me in my family life. But it happens quite regularly
Listening Time There’s nothing like raising kids to bring tension into a family. Right from pregnancy it can seem like every decision you make comes under scrutiny, and then feeding, sleeping, schooling, behavior and
A friend and I were spending our vacation together. Between us we had five children aged from three to six years old. It was their first time meeting. A few times I had perceived a little
Sleep Crying Being a New Parent Learn the 5 Hand in Hand Parenting Tools
Dear Hand in Hand, Since the new year, i’m trying to play more with my children. We’ve been playing lots of hide and seek and roughhousing, and it feels great most of the time, but sometimes
My seven-year-old son had been being bullied by his classmates for months. It had started with the boys, but soon some of the girls picked up on it as well. Our life was not good,
By Rachel Schofield When we choose to parent differently to the norm, we add an extra layer of challenge to our already overfull plates. Without the support and backing of family, friends or professionals, the
Planning Special Time with a teen can be a little different than with a younger child. It’s a topsy-turvy road of uncertainty, for sure. Several years ago my son always jumped at the chance to
We want you to enjoy our most popular parenting podcasts of 2016, and hope you will join the discussion in our upcoming free parenting calls. (Topic list.) Click to listen to your podcast: When Your
We’d love to share our most popular parent support resources of 2016. Register below and we will send you the podcasts link and monthly tips to make your parenting less stressful. Our top this year
My daughter, 13, and I were getting ready for bed this week when things turned playful. It started because she is a master at picking up any irritation in my voice, even when I’m not
Most of us are taught to hush children when they cry, but parents using Hand in Hand’s approach learn how valuable crying can be for a child’s emotional health. When crying is supported with a
Often, our children find reason to be beside themselves with upset. These are rough times for them, and trying times for us as parents, too. We are taught to hush, shush, distract, rock, jiggle, joke, or,
The Hand in Hand approach is a gentle, attachment-based way of parenting which helps a wide range of sleep issues and strengthens your relationship with your child. In this recording, Certified Hand in Hand Parenting
Sleep is one of the most challenging aspects of being a parent. When we become parents, we may notice that our newborns often fall asleep relatively easily, often in the middle of feeding or right
My five-year-old son had been having trouble getting to sleep on his own. We had several weeks of him resisting bed time. He didn’t want to be alone in his room and kept coming up with lots