Tag: Playlistening

In Trouble for Singing?

I was driving home with my husband and my  2.5-year old son. We were coming from a sweet evening with some friends of ours who have a son his age. The dinner was lovely, I had

Sleeping in His Own Bed All Night

My son has co-slept with me since he was born.  When he was about 18 months old, I bought him his own bed with the plan to move him into it so I could have

Facing Water Fears Through Play

My son had been going to swimming lessons for a few months.  His first 2 months he improved markedly each week, trying new things and being comfortable in the water.  He would allow his teachers

Turning Bathtime Tantrums Into Laughter and Cooperation

~ From Certified Instructor Julie Johnson One evening my two year-old son seemed grouchy and irritable.  From the time that we arrived home from school, nothing was right.  He was unhappy with his snack, dinner

Helping My Son Connect With My New Partner

I’ve done years of wrestling with my boy, so it’s a well worn connection groove for releasing tension and rebuilding connection between us. This day we were both in fine form. I think he started it by putting a handful of sand down my pants, so once I’d emptied it out, the chase was on.

Giddy’up to Connection

One day I gave my 3 year old daughter a “horsey-ride” on my back. I’d done it many times before and she always enjoyed the closeness and bouncy thrill of the ride. However this day

The Bumbling Santa

Two years ago, we arranged for Dad to leave the Christmas party to “buy the paper” and a few minutes later Santa Claus arrived with presents in a bag. He then proceeded to read the

The Good Tantrum

Hi Hand in Hand Parenting, My almost 3 1/2 year old is having an especially hard time right now with family coming to visit. He has always had an extremely high need for connection. He

Transform Hair Washing Upsets

When my son was about 21 months old, he started to hate having water poured over his head when I washed his hair in the bath. He would scream and scream every time, even when

Repairing a Relationship After Yelling

When his Dad came home from work he gently said, “If you are going to shout could you tell me first and I’ll go and get the box and you can shout into that instead.” I thought his was wonderful! He was confident and thinking well enough to do something to try and help his Dad to stop shouting.

Wanting Mama

She has a strong mama “preference” and almost never chooses to be with me rather than with her mother.

Carpool Playlistening

Parents got together and came up with a carpool arrangement, then invited one of the Hand in Hand trainers for an education night to learn about Parenting by Connection tools. Some families started doing Special Time and Staylistening at home.

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