Tag: triggers that cause anger and upset

stop yelling at your kids mom stress

This is Why You Lose it With Your Kids

Have you ever lost it with your child over something and not understood why? Why your son’s clinginess on a playdate drives you crazy? Why you snap if you see your oldest daughter hit your youngest? Why your blood races when your baby won’t stop crying? Despite your best intentions to keep calm and understanding,

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Understanding Why Tantrums Happen and How to Support Them

  A Guest Post with Roma Norriss Tantrums are an inevitable element of childhood. No matter what we do, beginning at around age two, big upsets and crying always appear. It can be as late as six before we see them stop, although many parents see big cries from much older children too – something

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How Healing Old Wounds Helped my Marriage

My kids were with their grandparents and I was spending time with my husband. We were relaxed and talking and everything felt perfect until he mentioned the upcoming marriage of someone that is close to us. At some point I heard him say that if he were that age again he would probably not choose

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