Hand in Hand Parenting


How To Get Your Child To Listen

Without yelling, timeouts or bargaining

Wednesday August 10th
5:00 PM PDT (Los Angeles) | 8:00 PM EDT (New York) | 10:00 AM Thursday 11th AEST (Sydney)

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Dear parent,

Do you want your child to listen, respect and trust you rather than fear you?

Are you looking for a way to raise happy kids who can also behave?

Would you love to feel confident and competent handling your child's challenging behaviors without resorting to yelling, threatening consequences or sending your child to timeout?

Then, stay tuned...

Parenting is challenging. Without the good support all parents need, it's easy to lose your cool. (No matter how many times you vow not to).

But there is an effective way to set warm, firm limits that your child will listen to, without explosive power battles.

A way to feel good about holding expectations for your children.

So you can enjoy a more peaceful home life, with children who respect your boundaries.

Kids raised using these tools grow up to become highly aware and responsible for their actions.

Parents using this approach all over the world report huge shifts in the relationships they have with their children. Kids listen more, are more willing to help out and cooperate, and mutual respect and warmth grows.

In this free class, Instructor Rachel Schofield shows you simple strategies you can start using right away to get your child to listen.

Rachel is a Certified Hand in Hand Instructor, and a Professional Member of the Australian Association of Family Therapists.

She has helped thousands of families end bickering, bargaining and frustration so they feel more connected, playful and loving.

Join this masterclass with Rachel to hear how you can get your child to listen

In this call you'll hear how you can:

  • Understand what causes a child to test the limits you set (Brain science says it's not just to push your buttons)
  • Learn why children don't - or can't - listen when you ask them to do something
  • Discover a simple, proven strategy to stop kids quickly when they do something off limits and not okay
  • How to work with your child and get things done even if they dig in their heels at first and refuse
  • Define clear boundaries and hold them in a way that feels supportive, compassionate and good for you as the parent
  • Use playful responses that melts tension to resolve power battles and defiance
  • Eliminate back and forth bickering, arguments, and battles
  • Improve communication and build cooperation in a way that keeps your relationship generous and warm.

If you find yourself fighting to be heard.

Or if you often butt heads with your child and feel bad that being loud or harsh feels like the only way to get through, join us.

Rachel will show you how you can change the way you approach setting limits and getting your child to listen so that they actually do!



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Hand in Hand has transformed the way I parent. It has also transformed the way I view children and parents and this has changed the way I work as an occupational therapist..

— Tahnee, Scotland

What is the

Hand in Hand Parenting Approach?

Hand in Hand Parenting is a set of accessible, trauma-informed tools that help when parenting is hard. These tools have been used by thousands of parents, educators, and mental health professionals over the last 30 years. (www.handinhandparenting.org)