Tag: parenting triggers

stop yelling at your kids mom stress

This is Why You Lose it With Your Kids

Have you ever lost it with your child over something and not understood why? Why your son’s clinginess on a playdate drives you crazy? Why you snap if you see your oldest daughter hit your

How to stop yelling and start connecting with your child

From Yelling to Connecting, Thanks to My Listening Partnership

I had never yelled at my son, aged five, until recently when he started yelling at me. The first time he did it, I was immediately triggered. I don’t remember what I’d said, but he responded with a loud, angry, “ALL RIGHT, FINE!!!”

Listening to Tears Before School

One morning while clipping my daughter’s nails I made the comment, “Oh, I think I clipped that one too short.” It wasn’t a big deal at first since it didn’t hurt. (If I hadn’t of

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