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Recipes for Raising Emotionally Healthy Children; Key ingredients and two ‘superfood’ ingredients for emotional health that you can use in your family. Presented by Kirsty Pakes

Friday, May 24th, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM BST/UK, 8:00 AM US Eastern


As a parent, I often struggle to work out what my kids need in terms of nutrition and a healthy diet.  But what about emotional nutrition? What are the ingredients of an emotionally nutritious diet?

What are the key ingredients of emotional health in our children? 

How can we parent our children in a way that promotes their current and future emotional health and resilience?

Would you like to learn about two key principles and practices from Hand in Hand Parenting that we can use in our families to foster emotional well-being?

Join me for a 1 hour free-of-charge online webinar where I will discuss key areas in parenting that promote emotional health in our children and also give you two key practices to take away that build emotional well-being in our kids.

I'm a Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor and Clinical Psychologist specialising in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and I'm passionate about how we as parents can support our children with their current and future mental health in our daily interactions.

I'm also a Mum of a 12-year-old and a 9-year-old and have been using the Hand in Hand tools in my own family for 7 years and I've found them to be a fabulous emotionally insightful and practical way to build my children's emotional well-being and also make parenting easier, more fun and more manageable for me!

In this webinar, there will be theory and lots of practical examples and anecdotes. There will be time for questions and you will come away with knowledge of the two key Hand in Hand practices of Special Time and Staylistening. I will also touch upon the other three Hand in Hand resiliency-building practices/tools.

The webinar is most suited to parents and caregivers of children aged 13 and under, but the practices can be adapted to older children and this will be covered if relevant.

The webinar will be recorded and the recording sent out to all who register.


Friday, May 24th
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM BST/UK, 8:00 AM US Eastern
Event Category:


Online Event


Kirsty Pakes
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