Parenting Classes & Events

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Weekly Parent Support Calls on Mondays with Madeleine Winter

Online Event
$25-$40 per call

Get support for your parenting without leaving home! Join this small ongoing group of parents, for as many, or as few, Calls as you want. ask your parenting questions share your experiences; get company on the journey and know that you are not alone in this important work,  and reduce your parenting stress by through […]

Weekly Support Call for Parents of Teens and Tweens with Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn

Online Event
4 weeks $140, 8 weeks (discounted) $240

You are a good parent. Your t(w)een is a good kid. Really. It is so easy to get triggered when our children shut us out, “won't listen,” don't seem to want to cooperate, or are having trouble in social settings or school. It can be hard to remember to plug in a little play, set […]

Hand in Hand’s Foundations Course for Parents with Carrie Meadows

Online Event

The Hand in Hand Foundations course *Overcome challenging behavior, tackle nagging, sibling rivalry and understand ways to deal with tantrums *Empower yourself as a parent with tools you can rely on to become the secure base your child needs and build a family rich with laughter and connection. *Deal with parental stress that cause anger, […]

Hand in Hand’s Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers with Pamela Quiery

Online Event

Are you ready to make parenting fun again? ​​ I invite you to join me as we explore five simple tools to create more cooperation and laughter in your home. Become a calm and confident leader in your family and fill your home with connection, cooperation and laughter. The Foundations Course is for you if: […]

Groupe de soutien parents en ligne avec Chloé Saint Guilhem

Online Event
20€ pour une session et 30€ pour deux sessions dans le mois

Reçois du soutien vis-à-vis du travail essentiel que tu réalises, en prenant soin de tes enfants au quotidien ! Ce groupe de soutien bimensuel en ligne est ouvert à tout parent déjà familiarisé avec les outils d'écoute de l'approche parentale Hand in Hand. Chacun est libre de participer à une rencontre ou à une autre, […]

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