To remain an Active Hand in Hand Instructor, we require that you stay active, informed, and well-supported in your practice of Hand in Hand Parenting.
When you pay your Instructor fee you are agreeing to the following:
I understand that the title associated with my certification is Certified Hand in Hand Instructor.
Pay a monthly fee
- Instructors pay an automatically-recurring monthly Instructor Fee which will cover access to all materials, resources, training and regular support.
Report to Hand in Hand
- Instructors are required to report their Hand in Hand Work monthly. You need to report even if you have done no Hand in Hand work and haven’t attended anything.
Actively use the Hand in Hand approach
- Personal Use of the Hand in Hand Tools – Use Hand in Hand’s listening tools for yourself and in your relationships (i.e. exchange listening time with another adult regularly, use Special Time, Staylistening, Playlistening and Setting Limits with the children in your life).
Community Engagement, Training & Support
- Instructors are strongly encouraged (but not required at this point) to engage in Instructor Community Events (Annual Virtual Retreat, Hub Calls, Open Form Calls, Journal Club Meetings, Marketing Trainings) and Instructor Training and Support Calls provided by our Regional Directors and Regional Leaders.
- For calendar year 2022, Instructors will no longer be required to participate in a specified number of hours of Community Engagement, Training and Support, but will be required to report on these activities monthly through a reporting link in the Instructor Newsletter.
Maintain the integrity of the Hand in Hand approach and understand that
- While teaching Hand in Hand Parenting curricula, or while presenting Hand in Hand Parenting in a talk or support group, I will not mix Hand in Hand Parenting ideas with information or techniques derived from other parenting approaches or healing modalities.
- While teaching classes or giving talks on topics that do not center on Hand in Hand Parenting, I am free to reference the approach, ideas and practice, with attribution to Hand in Hand.
- The relationships with parents who take my classes, participate in my groups, come to my talks, and those I do Listening Partnerships with will require special care from me. I will do my best to not expose my Hand in Hand-based contacts to my personal opinions or campaigns that are political, religious, or business-based in nature. This is how the Big Tent is maintained.
- The course handbooks are not to be sold to the general public and I will not resell these materials or share them with others outside of the context of the appropriate Hand in Hand classes. I will not modify curriculum materials. I understand that the Instructor’s right to present the Hand in Hand approach, without copyright infringement, depends upon adherence to this guideline.
- I may reprint and use, at my discretion, articles and success stories from the Hand in Hand website and blog to augment both Hand in Hand classes and any of my other offerings to parents. I will attribute these materials to Hand in Hand.
- Being under the influence of any illegal drug or substance while teaching Hand in Hand Parenting or on Hand in Hand business is strictly prohibited.
- I understand that I am responsible for setting prices and billing for my classes and will not receive compensation from Hand in Hand for my work except by explicit contract agreement.
- If you are teaching a Starter Class, all participants, whether in-person or on-line, will need to be enrolled in the on-line Starter Class classroom. You still get to decide if/how you want to use those materials in your class and students get to decide if/how much of the material they want to access from the classroom. We no longer provide print copies of the materials; all Starter Class materials are now provided through the on-line classroom.
Contact info/GDPR
- Sharing with Hand in Hand Parenting the contact information for parents that I encounter in the course of my work as a Hand in Hand Instructor. This includes all talk and class participant contact information, and basic demographic information.Sharing evaluation results and hours spent teaching with Hand in Hand, and understand that reporting this information is vital to the continuing success of the organization and its mission. I can find links to the google forms for reporting on the Hub, the Instructor Google Group or by emailing the Program Manager at [email protected].