Sushila Hart lives in Marin County, 1 hour North of San Francisco. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and an Early Childhood Education Certificate for several hours of ECE studies. She has many years background working/playing with children as a preschool teacher and is presently a Nanny for 3 families ranging in ages from 3-11 years of age. She acts as a mentor/consultant frequently to the parents she works for.
Sushila became a Parenting by Connection Instructor in 2010. During her training, she was a preschool teacher and was able to practice the HIH tools on the preschoolers. If she had any doubt about the effectiveness of these tools, the doubts vanished.  She found the tools to be helpful for children to feel connected, and witnessed firsthand more relaxed and happier children, less fussiness and offtrack behavior.
In one example, Sushila did Special Time with a boy in her class that had frequent aggressive outbursts, hitting others and knocking things off tables. His parents were at a loss. After several weeks of SP, it was obvious to see changes. When he arrived at school, he ran up to Sushila, hugged her and asked when the next SP would be. Before SP, he showed no display of affection. He was also able to cry hard as I listened and his general demeanor was more relaxed and more smiles, too!
Sushila enjoys teaching parents these valuable tools and seeing the relief and appreciation from parents who use these tools with great success and much less stress for the entire family. She also enjoys leading parent support groups where these tools can be tested over several weeks. She offers workshops for specific topics, including Tears & Tantrums, Sleep issues, Sibling Rivalry and more.
Sushila has successfully raised 2 girls who are now in their 20’s and enjoys very close connections with each of them, and her girls claim that they are best friends!
You can contact Sushila by email OR by phone at 415 521-8766 or 415 488-1217.
Below is a testimonial from a participant in a class that Sushila taught:
“I participated in a Hand in Hand Parenting class that Sushila taught a few years ago. Sushila has a strong knowledge of the tools of Hand in Hand parenting and she helped me understand how to practice the tools with ease. She is extremely compassionate, creative and smart. If you are intrigued about Hand in Hand Parenting, I highly recommend taking a class with Sushila. You will walk away from her class with a good set of tools to assist you in parenting. I continue to use the tools today, and I am so grateful for this process.”