Donate to Hand In Hand

khWhen my son was a newborn we couldn’t lie him flat for the first 6 months of his life. I couldn’t leave him for a microsecond. As a new mum I was utterly overwhelmed by him and his needs. I couldn’t meet them and meet my own basic needs.

After 4 months I discovered Hand in Hand Parenting. I won’t say it was easy, but it got easier with practice.

Now he is 16 months and everyone – I mean EVERYONE – tells me what an amazing child he is. “So chilled.” “So easy going.” We have a beautiful bond that I absolutely treasure and we laugh and play and have so much fun.

I recently heard about the idea of “holding space” for someone and it occurred to me that that’s exactly what Hand in Hand Parenting is all about. Holding space for your child and trusting in their inherent good nature. You would never guess we had such a challenging start to our relationship. I can see my son blossoming and I beam with pride and I’m so grateful to have had access to Hand in Hand when I did.

Thank you!

~ Karen H.

You can start changing lives and supporting parents today.

You can also donate by mail by sending your check or money order to Hand in Hand Parenting at 548 Market Street, #88427 San Francisco, CA  94104-5401

Your donation makes it possible for parents everywhere to access parenting tools and resources that build their resilience and improve their children’s lives.

Tax Information: Hand in Hand Parenting is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Hand in Hand Parenting are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Hand in Hand Parenting’s tax identification number is 77-0234719.

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