Replay: Children, Trauma, and How Hand in Hand Parenting Can Help

Maya Coleman, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, M.A. in Special Education/Learning Disabilities.
Pamela Oatis, MD, Pediatrics, Medical Specialist for Ethics.
Shelley Macy, M.A. in Human Development. Preschool teacher 1975 to 1990 and early childhood teacher educator 1989 to 2017.
Robin Setchko, LMFT, M.A. in Counseling. In private practice since 1991.

You will learn about:

  • The many ways trauma shows up in children
  • The vital importance of connection in supporting positive outcomes for children who face trauma and other adverse conditions or situations
  • How the tools of Hand in Hand Parenting can support families affected by a wide variety of trauma and stress
  • How you can make these healing options available to the families you connect with in your work or practice.

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The Hand in Hand Foundations Course will give you the expertise and confidence to share these simple yet powerful tools with the families in your community.

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