Tag: using laughter to connect

How to Set Limits with Laughter

A Guest Post by Stephanie Parker My daughter is about to turn nine and I’ve been thinking recently that I’d like her to do more around the house. I haven’t spent enough time making this

Playful Parenting Improves Your Child’s Manners

A Guest Post by Michelle Hartop My daughter’s manners got lost somewhere between 5 and 6 years old. Once the reigning “thank-you queen,” by school-age, she seemed bothered even receiving a gift, let alone actually

12 ways to beat homework battles

Too often kids and parents meet in battle over the homework table, but believe it or not, says Hand in Hand’s Abigail Wald, homework can be, and should be, a time for connection. Talking to

Ten Ways to Connect With Your Child Everyday

We all know that food and drink are essential for humans to survive. Connection is less thought about. But humans are wired for connection. When your child comes off the slide with a bump, what

Parenting as a Team: Using Humor To Diffuse Tension

A Guest Post from Anca Deaconu and Megha Mawandia In part one of this series on Parenting As a Team Anca and Megha talked about how to become more confident in making parenting decisions. Today they focus on an

Games For Parents That Are Too Tired to Play

Dear Hand in Hand, Since the new year, i’m trying to play more with my children. We’ve been playing lots of hide and seek and roughhousing, and it feels great most of the time, but sometimes

When Your Child Doesn’t Want Special Time

A guest Post by Kate Orson author of Tears Heal Special time; one of Hand in Hand’s Five Parenting tools, is a wonderful way to deepen your connection with your child, to build the safety

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