Helping Children Sleep: A conversation with Roma Norriss and Marilupe de la Calle

The Hand in Hand approach is a gentle, attachment-based way of parenting which helps a wide range of sleep issues and strengthens your relationship with your child. In this recording, Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructors, Roma Norriss and Marilupe de la Calle discuss how the Hand in Hand Parenting tools can be used to make sure you and your whole family, get the rest you need.


“All the work we did around sleep have loosened up stuck spots in other areas, too. Since sleeping in her own bed, a new confidence has emerged in my daughter. She asked for the training wheels to come off her bike, she asked to start swimming lessons, and she has expressed interest in violin. I don’t think this is a coincidence.”

Susan Derby Los Angeles, CA

Confidently help your child sleep through the night with this easy-to-use self-guided video class.






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