Why is my kid swearing?

Have you ever asked your child to do something simple, like pack their toys away before dinner? For a second they stare back and you wide-eyed, all chubby-cheeked cherubic sweetness.

And then they scrunch those eyes and tell you to $#@ off?

Oh No She Didn’t…

family play is important

Kids who cuss are more common than you might think. If you put those terms into any search engine results throw up videos full of kids swearing.

Some people, apparently, find kids swearing hilarious.

Others not so much.

And as we share on the podcast this week where you are on the parenting swearing spectrum has much to do with how swear words showed up in your own childhood.

  • This week we’re talking about why some kids swear with glee and other kids, well meh, they’d rather go draw a comic.
  • We’re talking parenting shame and humiliation that happens when your kid swears and what you can do.
  • We’re talking about getting light around swearing while at the same time setting limits on sassy language.
  • And we’re talking about how swearing can offer fertile grounds for connecting. Yes, you read that right, you can use swearing to bring you closer.

Try a Little Four-letter Fun…

And because this podcast is the shizzaz we’re sharing four strategies you can use to get clear on where your family stands with swearing and how to handle your kids when their swearing spirals.

If you’ve been asking why is my kid swearing? Listen to the podcast this week and discover why there may are many reasons your child is swearing, and why none of them are bad.

A Little Something Extra

Oh and here are 15 of Shakespeare’s swears (that Abigail mentioned) and they are way too fun. Would thou wouldst burst?

This post shares more on why kids get hooked on bad words and how you can respond.

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