Category: anxiety

Happy boy on first say of school in post about back to school strategies for parents

Back To School Support Pack for Parents

Welcome to your back to school support pack. Cycle through all the information and activities included here and get all you need for your child to start the school year with confidence. 1. Guide to Separation Anxiety: Your step-by-step guide shows you what happens for your child when they are scared to go to daycare or school.

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Guérir de l’anxiété de séparation

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Les enfants s’épanouissent grâce au lien qui les unit à leurs parents Leur besoin de lien est fort et constant tout au long de l’enfance. C’est ce sentiment de sécurité et de connexion qui permet aux enfants

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mom helping child overcome anxiety

Three Ways To Help An Anxious Child Using Hand in Hand Parenting Tools

Tears every morning before school.  A daily fight before bed.  Anxiety disorders, like selective mutism.  No matter what a child is anxious about, the driving factor is the same.  Fear.  Oftentimes, the fear is not conscious. This is why children can’t name or explain their fears or the anxiety they feel in words. Instead, you

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