Kirsten Nottleson

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Kirsten Nottleson is mother to 2 sons, 17 and 23 years old.  She has been using the Hand in Hand Parenting Approach with her own family for 22 years, and is particularly grateful to have had the tools as support during the teen years as her boys grow into young men. She has been working with families in Austin, Texas since 1993 and has been a Certified Instructor since 2007. 

Kirsten LOVES teaching all kinds of workshops, especially ones that involve Play, Pillow Fights, and Wrestling. She is proud of her Peer Education Parenting Curriculum that she helped develop and brought into the prison system.
She has worked extensively with preschool staff, teen parents, and families who have substance abuse issues. All of her work is based on the principles of Parenting by Connection, which she believes to be nothing short of Peace Movement in Action.

Kirsten’s website is

Read about Kirsten’s use of the Hand in Hand Parenting Tools in her family.

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Weekly Support Call for Parents of Teens and Tweens with Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abramsohn

Online Event
Register Now 4 weeks $140, 8 weeks (discounted) $240

You are a good parent. Your t(w)een is a good kid. Really. It is so easy to get triggered when our children shut us out, “won't listen,” don't seem to want to cooperate, or are having trouble in social settings or school. It can be hard to remember to plug in a little play, set […]

Hand in Hand’s Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers – Understanding Child (and Parent) Behavior with Kirsten Nottleson

Online Event

Let's face it, we love it, but... parenting isn't always easy. We parents are stressed about our children’s behavior, their future, school, social life, their development. We have pressures about other relationships, finances, and the state of the World. Add the ripple effects of a pandemic, and you have a perfect recipe for increased anxiety, […]

Hand in Hand’s Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers – Understanding Child (and Parent) Behavior with Kirsten Nottleson

Online Event

Let's face it, we love it, but... parenting isn't always easy. We parents are stressed about our children’s behavior, their future, school, social life, their development. We have pressures about other relationships, finances, and the state of the World. Add the ripple effects of a pandemic, and you have a perfect recipe for increased anxiety, […]

Raising Happier Teens and Tweens – Staying Connected Come What May, with Kirsten Nottleson and Ravid Aisenman Abamsohn

Online Event

"Ravid & Kirsten saved my relationship with my teens! ...With Ravid & Kirsten’s focus on connection over correction, I was able to relax and reconnect with my teens! Parents are allowed a safe place to show their struggles! You will not only gain insights into your relationship with your teen, you will gain insights into […]

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