Tom lives with his partner and his two young daughters in Forest Row, East Sussex in the UK. As well as being a Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor Tom works in Kent as a Family Case Worker for a children’s charity called Dandelion Time. In this role Tom leads therapeutic activities to help children overcome difficult experiences, develop confidence and self–esteem and discover new and positive pathways to follow in their life.
Tom had the opportunity to have 5 months paternity leave with his first daughter which set off his passion for learning and growing as a parent. He now shares the parenting and working equally with his partner – with some much appreciated support from grandparents!
Tom found Hand in Hand while listening to teleseminars and podcasts on his commute to work and discovered new things about himself and his parenting: “I was terrible at setting limits – my frustrated partner and my mother in law were encouraging me to set boundaries with the children but something just didn’t feel right in it for me – I couldn’t work out what… listening to Patty Wipfler was like an epiphany to realise that setting limits didn’t need to be about being harsh or angry or about having ‘power over’. Once I had connected the brain science to understand that limits were vital and specifically could help my daughter to think well again – I realised I could be on her side by helping her express her upsets fully”.
Tom is passionate about supporting parents and care-givers as the experts in their families.
Tom has also been involved with the Mankind Project, supporting men in peer groups to connect with themselves and find growth in their own lives and in their relationships.
Contact Tom by messaging him through his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HandinHandParentingWithTom/
If you like / follow the Facebook page he can keep you up to date with his public events and trainings.
Tom says: “Please do let me know if you are interested in attending a training locally in Kent or Sussex as we can often get people together to set up a group.”