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Transcript: of Week 3 Videos

Class 3 Video 3-1: Why We Lose It (14:36)   Hand in Hand Presents: Building Emotional Understanding: Class 3: Segment 1: Why We Lose It   Welcome back. We’re in class 3 of Building Emotional

Transcript: of Week 1 Videos

Class 1 Video 1-1: What Parents Want and Need (8:58) Hand in Hand Presents: Building Emotional Understanding: Class 1: Segment 1: What Parents Want and Need. I’m Patty Wipfler, and I’m the founder and the

Meet the Teachers who Listen to Children (5 minutes)

Imagine you had a teacher that listened, really listened, when you were upset at school. In daycare and pre-school settings, there are many cries for many reasons. Children missing parents. Children who need to use

Supporting Students with Physical Injuries (10 minutes)

Scrapes, Cuts and Dustups: Helping Children Heal Every child bumps around and gets hurt. Children’s intelligence and competence can’t build any other way. They have to take chances. They have to bump into circumstances they

How Children Signal for Help (5 minutes)

Children are born with an emotional radar system that is constantly looking for and evaluating connections with other people in their environment. This system is vital because a child’s survival depends on the availability of

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