Search Results for: lying

What if Consistency is not Vital?

Consistency is not vital Can you believe this?  This nugget of wisdom is perhaps the most important thing that I learned when I first came across Hand in Hand Parenting. So much of the advice

Parent Club Community

Hand in Hand Parenting Parent Club Community What if you knew how to transform your child’s behavior today… and every day? The Parent Club Community gives you direct access to Hand in Hand Instructors every

Meet The Preschool Teachers That Listen to Kids

Imagine you had a teacher that listened, really listened, when you were upset at school. In daycare and pre-school settings, there are many cries for many reasons. Children missing parents. Children that need the bathroom

happy holiday with kids

Setting Limits On Holidays – Part 3: Stepping In

In this series we’ve been exploring how to set holidays up for the fun and relaxation time you all deserve.  In Part 1, we saw how kids can go from playing nicely one minute, to

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